Talk For Writing Courses at WRTA

Year 6 Talk for Writing Network Forums

Course Overview:
This termly forum is designed to ensure that literacy leads and teachers working in Year 6 are kept informed of the latest teaching and learning Talk for Writing information and an opportunity to share best practice. Each session will include a training focus, chosen by delegates, as well as an open forum for discussion.

Course Content:

  • A chance to network and share best practices in teaching and leading English.
  • Opportunities to hear the latest Talk for Writing information.
  • Innovative ideas to take back to school to support staff CPD including how to sew SPAG into shared writing and how to ensure independence.

About Nicole Piper:
Nicole Piper leads Literacy at Warren Road Primary School. She brings a wealth of T4W experience across all key stages. She is passionate about instilling a love of English in people of all ages and thrives on raising standards through inspirational training and development.

About Claire McGeehan:
Claire is passionate about children leaving primary school as confident and established writers. Having worked in year six for ten years, she has supported numerous children on this journey. She has seen first hand how TfW can be used to best support children during their transition to secondary school, enabling them to be successful across a range of genres, for different purposes. As a moderator, Claire has a significant understanding of how to evidence the different statements through the TfW process.

Course Details

Nicole Piper and Claire McGeehan

06 Dec 2024 | 16:00 – 17:15
23 Mar 2025 | 16:00 – 17:15
23 Apr 2025 | 16:00 – 17:15

Online via Zoom. Link will be sent out before the session

Forum Costs:
£200.00 for all 3 sessions

Course Takeaway

Download a PDF version of this course overview to take with you.